Archive for January, 2009

The Obama Inauguaration Ticket Fiasco and

January 26, 2009

I was one of the people who paid thousands of dollars for a promise of priority seating and special access to meet the ‘newly elected’, as Paul M. Saulnier (Director of DecemberRain) put it.  That would be Obama and Biden, et al.   But, it is now Jan 26 and the inauguration has come and gone, and not only did I not attend but I have not received my promised refund.  Furthermore,’s phone is ‘temporarily’ shut down, and there seems to be a myriad of questions about whether this was a scam, or not.  Personally, I still think DecemberRain is a legit if smallish charity that does good things for sick children.  I think Paul got his tit in a wringer and either invested the money in the market (and lost it), or maybe he spent it on the big spending spree on ebay (machine gun, expensive vintage bikes, tarps, clothing….?).    I dunno what to make of it all.

I thought I would put up this blog as a place to express my own search for a refund, and to provide space for anyone else who might want to share their stories.