Archive for December, 2011


December 13, 2011

Hello all,

Much to my surprise I received a call last week from a postal service investigator in Chicago.  She explained the delay since I filed my complaint (2 years ago) and was very nice.  She had the file and seemed ready to communicate with other victims, and to subpoena bank records to compare those of us who wrote checks to Saulnier and or December Rain, whose bank account records she had in front of her.  All in all, it was encouraging that this jerkoff might eventually answer for his crimes and nice to know that at least someone other than us has not forgotten.

The detective’s name was Miss Keanna Valentine (I could have this spelling wrong).  Her phone number is 312-983-6044.

Her area is in postal crimes.  Since I mailed my check to his assholiness, across state lines, this qualifies.  Anyone else who used the postal service in any way in regards to this is invited to call Miss Valentine.

Be advised that Saulnier himself is known to stop by this very blog, to defend himself under pseudonym.  So if you have any update to post, know that he too will see it.

Good luck everyone!