Important Info

Commenter BW88 left an important comment which I want to copy and post so that it will appear front and center on the blog.  Thank you BW88.  Here goes:

“For those interested in the case but not directly victims themselves, a login can be created for the federal government’s online PACER records system at in order to obtain documents and information relative to this case. The full indictment and most other documents are a matter of public record, and can be retrieved from PACER for a nominal (or no) fee. The indictment document itself shows that Saulnier was indicted on a total of 6 felony counts, including 5 counts of fraud by wire, radio, or television, relating to the theft of approximately $230,578 in funds from over 40 victims through his fraudulent ‘December Rain’ sick children’s charity. For those intent on seeking further information via PACER, the case is being tried in US District Court, Northern Division of Illinois, Eastern Division. A search of this division’s records for the name ‘Paul Saulnier’ will return relevant case information for viewing. And to the victims of this bizarre situation I say congratulations, because it does appear as though justice will finally be served.”

5 Responses to “Important Info”

  1. BW88 Says:

    Here’s the latest: Per PACER information dated January 30th, the next status hearing is set for 3/3/2014 @9:30 a.m.(CST), for the purpose of setting a trial date or entering a change of plea.

  2. BW88 Says:

    Status hearing was held today, and a continuance issued to 4/8/2014 at 9:30 a.m. Records mention that this was done specifically to facilitate plea negotiations.

  3. junnov7 Says:

    BW88 can you e-mail me at

  4. BW88 Says:

    Paul Saulnier’s plea agreement was posted on PACER today, and within the 15 pages of detail it confirms that Mr. Saulnier plead guilty to the mail fraud charge in exchange for having the lesser wire fraud charges dropped. Per the agreement, he falls under an offense level of 18 and criminal history category of 1, which carries with it a recommended sentence of 27 to 33 months in prison (not including a term of supervised release of up to 3 years), and he is ordered to pay restitution to victims in an amount to be determined by the court. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for July 9th at 11:30am (CST) in Illinois federal court. For all those victims that have actively sought justice, assisted the government in its investigation and prosecution, and waited for so long, this should finally come as welcome news.

    • pleniv01 Says:

      BW88 you seem very informed and thank you for your many contributions to this blog. As for this “he is ordered to pay restitution to victims in an amount to be determined by the court” do we know what the amount he has to pay us will be? I sincerely hope it is at least dollar for dollar if not an amount to include interest, at a MINIMUM. Please let us know what you know. And thank you again.

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