Do we know what prison Asswipe will be rotting in?

Would be great to know. Maybe there’s a public webcam with which we can eavesdrop on our friend, to make sure he’s okay?  Anyone know?

3 Responses to “Do we know what prison Asswipe will be rotting in?”

  1. BW88 Says:

    As of today, Mr Saulnier is an incarcerated inmate at USP Atlanta with prisoner registration number 59530-018. His prisoner record can be found via web search:

  2. Chris Says:

    they made little to no effort it seems to contact all the people he ripped off , if they had the bank account information with copys of checks, didn’t they contact all persons that wrote this asswipe a check?
    If they had no one would be asking if they will get their money back

  3. pleniv01 Says:

    Chris, the system was very slow and imperfect. I don’t think anyone made great efforts to contact all the victims. I know a number of us here persisted through a couple of false investigative starts before anything happened. I personally filed a complaint with the US Postal Service, for mail fraud. A year + later I was contacted by an investigator from the USPS, however I can’t be sure it was because of my complaint or possibly that of another victim. Anyway, it was through that process that I became a part of the information loop, such as it was. So knowing that, if another victim did less than I – or didn’t get in touch with the investigator – then I just don’t see the mechanism in place for anyone to have reached out to other victims. Hopefully between those who joined the complaint, and those whose credit cards made good, few if any victims will be left uninvolved. If you are one you might read through this blog and find the name and contact info of the investigator who handled the case, a one Ms. Valentine I believe, and see what remedy you might have.

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