Archive for October, 2019


October 1, 2019

Hi all,

Greetings from the past!

I’d like to share my experience with regards to victim compensation in the case of Paul Saulnier.

After Saulnier was released from prison I received a handful of small checks over an estimated 2 year period.  No check exceeded $150 and most were under $100.  In total I imagine I got 4-5 checks for a a sum of under $350.00.  I lost $11,000 in Saulnier’s fraudulent scheme.

I used the resources of PACER and the Victim hotline to attempt to track down Saulnier’s parole officer, case officer, or anyone, so I could remind them that I (and presumably all other victims) was still waiting to be reimbursed.  I got nowhere.  I was able to speak to a couple of 3rd degree connections such as a courtroom assistant who once worked for the judge back when the trial was heard, but I never reached anyone who could give me any actual information or more direct contact.  After several dead ends, I gave up.  It felt like once he did his time and promised to compensate victims, no one really looked or cared if he actually did.

Anyone else have anything to share?